Individual programmes, special offers, and group events dedicated to living, loving and leading as a devotional practice. Discovery, celebration, wonder and community. Any questions, please contact me.
Simplicity of Love
8th February – 12th April 2025
A 9 week magical immersion into SILENCE, into LOVE, into being who you came here to be.
You are here. It is now. The waiting is over. A new ease is spreading from the inside out. The light of awareness dancing on the sacred waters of your being. Pure Love igniting your diamond core. Yes. A new era is birthing. Birthing from the inside out, through and as you.
Whatever is going on in your life, whatever other programmes you are engaged in, whatever the challenges you are facing, whatever the joys… would you benefit from greater inner stability and clarity of purpose? You are invited to be held in a space of grace, a space of unconditional Love, healing and transformation. In truth the ‘space’ is the programme.
Less content, more magic. Space for the unspoken to communicate. A backdrop of stillness, meeting together in silence (offline) each day. Simple video invitations, guided practices, space to breathe and remember. Yes, Love is who you came to be.
More details: HERE
Join my free Community for women, DIVINELY FEMININE Leadership
QUIET 15 : Attending to the Sacred
1st – 5th OCTOBER 2024
How does a personal practice of silence and deep listening shape your days and shape this world?
I am hosting a beautiful and original event and I would love you to join me. Watch the VIDEO for your personal invitation.
15 minute conversations with 15 women, each one ending with a Blessing.
Global 15 minutes sitting together in silence each day (offline).
Opportunities to deepen your own devotional practice.
A page to offer your own Sacred Blessings.
5 days of Sacred Ceremony, shared presence and the frequency of remembering.
Join my free Community for women, DIVINELY FEMININE Leadership
From Feminine Leadership Wounds to Sacred Ways of Being
2 day MASTERCLASS for women
21st and 22nd September 2024, 4.00pm – 6.15pm BST
Free online event
A new paradigm model of business is being birthed, one which is infused with joy, where nothing is missing and success (without exhaustion) is a given. Maybe you have longed for this. Maybe you sensed it might be possible, but didn’t know how.
Discover what has been missing, what has been holding you back, why visibility feels traumatic and why self trust feels so elusive. Discover why clarity about your message or purpose feels blocked, or there is a lack of clients and financial flow.
This is your time for healing. You know you came here to make a difference. There are those who are waiting for the very gifts you came to share.
Release the feminine leadership wounds that have been carried for generations. Restore the sacred ways of being that bless, inspire and support your work in the world.
Join my free Community for updates and other offerings, DIVINELY FEMININE Leadership
Receive instant access to this self-guided 5 day direct experience of Sacred Womb Awakening. A life-reorienting invitation and inner healing journey towards wholeness.
Daily Wisdom Teachings, Healing Practices and Pdfs with questions for inner enquiry. Plus a dedicated community space to share and be supported if you wish.
Full details are HERE
Community for updates and other offerings, DIVINELY FEMININE Leadership.
Honouring the Sacred Blueprint of your life
Devotional Weekend for women. Self-paced experiential programme deepening into Love.
Your fingerprint is unique, so is your Sacred Blueprint. I believe you came here to be a source of Love in this world and a unique expression of that Love.
Day 1: Opening to Love
Day 2: Offering yourself to Love
Day 3: Your unique flavour of Love
The call of these times is the call into sacred alignment, releasing the fears and traumas that keep you hiding, invisible, or playing small. It is time to make the difference only you can make and the world is waiting for your gifts.
Radical Commitment to Love, a 3 day immersion into the frequency and embodiment of unconditional Love. Re-orient towards a quality of alignment and a connection to inner peace you may have longed for, maybe over lifetimes.
Sacred womb wisdom, healing practices and quiet space are woven together to evoke a deeper remembering of who you are and why you are here.
RADICAL COMMITMENT TO LOVE is held in an intentional online space, where mystery and magic abounds and healing and transformation occur spontaneously – such is the power of Love.
Register HERE, immediate access available.
Join my free Community for updates and other offerings, DIVINELY FEMININE Leadership
Doorway to Grace
Sacred Womb Mysteries for Men
5 day experiential healing journey
1st – 5th March 2024
Free online event for men
It’s time for the sacred masculine to be a lived and felt reality within you and within the world. The divine feminine is returning and she needs her Beloved – yes, we are designed to embody both these beautiful energies. The call of these times is the call of the Sacred. The evolutionary shift for humanity is one of restoring wholeness.This introduction to Sacred Womb Mysteries is a foundation for living and leading from your natural inner seat of leadership (sacred womb). Birthing your dreams with ease and joy. Self trust as a given. Success as inevitable. Making the difference you came here to make. What if this is the time you were born for?DAY 1: The Call of these times, the Call of the SacredDAY 2: Restoring the Divine Masculine, releasing wounded patternsDAY 3: Restoring the Divine Feminine, releasing wounded patternsDAY 4: Sacred Womb Awakening, living with nothing missingDAY 5: Sacred Womb Alignment, presence, power and purposeTHIS EVENT IS OVER NOW -
Devotional Weekend for Women
Treating yourself sacredly amidst world change and personal healing
3rd and 4th NOVEMBER 2023
Free online event
An invitation to wrap yourself in love, in healing and in silence. A gift to yourself of renewal and of deepening inner peace. An orienting into new perspectives that help you navigate the intensity of these times with more grace and wonder.
With so much conflict and chaos in the world, with the call to attend to our own inner healing as we birth a new era on the planet, being in community and in devotion restores a tender softening and sacred inner harmony.
DAY 1: Sacred Birthing
DAY 2: Bouquets of Love
DAILY SCHEDULE – UK time (clocks have changed already – check your time*)
3.30pm : Personal preparation, QUIET SPACE recording4pm – 5pm : WISDOM TEACHINGS and HEALING PRACTICE5pm – 5.30pm : PAUSE for self care5.30pm – 6.15pm : Devotional CIRCLE6.15pm – 6.45pm : Connecting in SILENCE (offline)*3.30pm GMT, 8.30am PDT, 11.30am EDT, 4.30pm CET
Soft Birth in held in an intentional and magical space. Coming together in such a space significantly amplifies what is possible. New potentials are ignited. Mystery and truth embodied. Love ever deepens.
This event is over now.
Join my free Community for updates and other offerings, DIVINELY FEMININE Leadership
SACRED LEADERSHIP, from Visionary to Luminary, one who lights up this world
Women’s Wisdom Circle 2024/5
A year long initiatory programme beginning in Autumn 2024. Wisdom teachings, sacred healing practices, ceremony, deep journeying and community.
The magic and mystery of the divine feminine and the sacred union with her beloved as the third stage of spiritual awakening. Whatever has felt missing is restored. Whatever felt fearful is released. Whatever has held you back is dissolved.
It’s time to be resourced from within, to be guided and inspired by your own inner wisdom and birth your dreams as was originally intended.
Such a fullness of being, the wholeness of all dimensions lit up, awake and relating, such is the lived experience of divinity you were born for. Sacred Womb Awakening naturally evokes sacred leadership, calls forth the sacred to lead. A blessing for you and this world, a blessing for you and all beings.
NEXT START DATE: October 2025
Early access through the summer. Contact me for details.